WhatsApp Business App Gets New AI-Powered Features

Last year, Mark Zuckerberg talked about using smart technology to make it easier for companies to chat with customers.

Now, Meta (formerly Facebook) has introduced some new tools for businesses using WhatsApp. These tools can help businesses make ads that let people chat with them on WhatsApp. These tools can also help them quickly respond to common questions from customers.

Today at Meta’s conference in Brazil, Mark Zuckerberg talked about new tools. He said Meta wants to create AI helpers not just for regular users, but also for businesses. These helpers could chat with customers, offer support, and even help with sales. Zuckerberg explained that their goal is to make it easy for any business to set up these helpers quickly.

WhatsApp Business users will soon use AI to make ads on Facebook and Instagram that let people chat with them on WhatsApp. The company is also trying out AI for customer support. It can automatically reply to common questions about products or services.

Right now, they’re testing this feature with some businesses in India and Singapore. They plan to expand to Brazil soon. Meta mentioned that they’ll clearly label messages made by AI, so customers know they’re not talking to a real person from the company.

WhatsApp also mentioned using AI to send messages to specific groups of people instead of everyone who signed up for updates from a business. They said their Ads Manager will suggest suitable groups who might want more than just order updates.

Some companies like RelianceJio’s Inerakt, Tiger Global and Fidelity-backed Gupshup, and Peak XV and Shopify-backed Wati already have similar tools in their WhatsApp-based CRM solutions. But Meta is offering their tools for free, targeting smaller businesses who don’t want to buy extra tools.

In a report by Meta and Bain & Co., they said there’s a big chance to expand conversational commerce with AI-powered helpers. They noted that in countries like India, these tools can make customer chats more diverse, local, and easy to understand.

Even though Meta isn’t charging for these tools, they’re aiming to make money by encouraging more chats between businesses and customers on WhatsApp Business. With the new AI tools, they hope to increase these conversations.

Via <> Featured

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