Tom Hardy Reveals Venom 3 Teaser – Get Ready

Absolutely! It’s true! Tom Hardy, the actor, has given us a first look at Venom 3, and we’re super excited about it.


We really like Spider-Man, but we also have a special fondness for Marvel’s Venom. It’s hard to say exactly when our love for Venom became stronger than for Spidey, as we all recognized our dedication at different times.

Nevertheless, we all adore Venom just as much. The fact that Tom Hardy has shared a teaser for the third installment has only added to our excitement!

We were aware that a third Venom movie was in the works, but the specifics became a bit uncertain because of the SAG strikes. Now that the strikes have concluded, Tom Hardy is back in the role of Eddie Brock, collaborating with the familiar cast and crew.

Tom Hardy Teases Venom’s Comeback

The actor posted a teaser on Instagram, featuring a heartfelt black and white picture.

In a lengthy caption, Tom Hardy expressed his joy about returning to what he loves. The caption reads, “I want to take a moment just to thank all the teams thus far on the ride from V to here, all our fantastic cast and crew – good friends and family. We’ve come a long way – it’s been and continues to be a lot of fun. This journey, there’s always hard turns to burn when we work but doesn’t feel as hard when you love what you do and when you know you have great material and the support at all sides, of a great team.”

Tom Hardy’s emotional expression is uncommon for Venom, but it resonates with us. We’re excited to witness Venom’s return to the big screen, and our curiosity is piqued about the hinted Venom spin-off game from Marvel.

It’s fair to say that Venom’s presence in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is truly remarkable – having a game solely focused on that character would be an outstanding experience for gamers.

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