Spider-Man: The Great Web Trailer Got Leaked

After a big leak at Insomniac a few months ago, new information is still coming out about projects and products. Recently, users found and shared a trailer for a cancelled multiplayer game called Spider-Man: The Great Web.

The game was planned to be a multiplayer experience for five players, based on live services. However, Sony canceled it, as uncovered in the Insomniac leaks. The leaked trailer for The Great Web, which appears very well-made, gives us an idea of what the game could have been like.

The Leaked Info

Today, a leaked trailer showed Spider-Man: The Great Web completely, including amazing multiplayer features. The video revealed that five players were supposed to battle the Sinister Six in New York City. The game was based on a multiverse idea, which Scarlet Witch supposedly unlocked. Players could also customize their characters, allowing a variety of superheroes to team up against the villains.

Dialogue from the trailer is:

‘New York City. Nothing in the whole world I wouldn’t do for this big, beautiful apple. One moment you’re scarfing down a slice from Vinnie’s, the next – you’re stopping a super-villain prison break. Sometimes you can swing it as a lone wolf, but you’re way better off with some friends. I’ve seen the Sinister Six before… But never so methodical – so savage. I don’t think I’m going to be enough this time, guys. But together, we just might be.’

A while back, some pictures came out from The Great Web. But now, for the first time, we’ve got a trailer. Yuri Lowenthal, who does Peter Parker’s voice, talks in it.

The trailer seems all set for sale. It really looks like a trailer for something that could’ve come out right after it was shown. It’s strange and sad for Spider-Man fans everywhere that this thing won’t get released.

Via <> Featured

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