Red Dead History officially Releasing Before GTA 6

Red Dead Redemption fans love Rockstar Games’ Wild West series, and they’re excited about the upcoming release. Red Dead Redemption 2 came out in 2018 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. It’s the sequel to the 2010 game for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

Actually, this sequel is a prequel, telling the story of the early days of the famous Dutch van der Linde gang, with Arthur Morgan as the central character.

We all heard about GTA 6 being in the works. Especially since Rockstar Games shared a big update in December 2023 with the first gameplay trailer. It’s likely that Red Dead Redemption 3 is also on the horizon, although it hasn’t been officially confirmed yet.

The Details

But before either of those games comes out, there’s a surprise involving Arthur Morgan. Recently, it was revealed that Arthur Morgan will be back, not in Red Dead Redemption 3, but as a history teacher in an audiobook voiced by Roger Clark. Fans are super excited about this news, as seen from their enthusiastic reactions on the Reddit thread where it was announced.

“I just saw this post and thought, ‘Wow, that’s a cool idea!’ So, I clicked on the link to buy the audiobook. Now I’m back on Reddit, reading through the whole post again and finding out who’s narrating the book,” exclaimed pynick. “How awesome is that?! I’m really excited and wish you lots of success with this project.”

Arthur Morgan wants to be your new American history teacher. Seriously.
byu/ToreOlssonHistorian inreddeadredemption

“I hope Arthur can finally explain what happened to that missing princess, if he ever found out,” hoped xysage, with PuddinPacketzofLuv adding, “And maybe he’ll reveal Gavin’s whereabouts.” Swapacoinforafish chimed in, “Wow, that sounds amazing! I’m definitely adding this book to my list!” As you can imagine, many others in the Reddit thread shared the same level of excitement.

The book, titled “Red Dead’s History: A Video Game, An Obsession, and America’s Violet Past,” is written by Tore C. Olsson and will be available for purchase on August 6, 2024. According to the Amazon listing, the audiobook will be around eight and a half hours long. It will also be available in hardcover.

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