PS5 Pro Coming Later This Year – Expert Says

Get ready for a game-changing upgrade!

Sony is getting ready to show a new PlayStation 5 Pro by the end of 2024, analysts told CNBC. As the new fiscal year starting April 2024 gets closer, Sony expects the current PlayStation 5 to sell less. So, Sony is planning to launch the PS5 Pro strategically to make its consoles more appealing.

This launch is important because it aims to take advantage of the likely increase in console game sales when GTA 6 comes out in 2025. Sony has a history of releasing better versions of its consoles in the middle of their lifecycle.

This adds weight to the expectations for the PS5 Pro. Following the same pattern as the PS4 Pro, which came out three years after the original PS4, the PS5 Pro would be released four years after the PS5 first came out in November 2020.

PS5 Pro Release and GTA 6

Experts in the gaming industry, like Serkan Toto, CEO of Kantan Games, agree that the PS5 Pro is on its way. This is seen as important for Sony to have a top-notch console ready to go with GTA 6, a game expected to make a big impact on the gaming world.

Analysts also think Sony won’t lower the price of the current PS5 when the Pro version comes out. Instead, they want to keep their profits stable in a tough economy.

Sony had to adjust its PS5 sales prediction downward, from 25 million to 21 million units for this year. But during the holiday season of 2023, they actually sold more, going from 7.1 million to 8.2 million units. This shows Sony is keeping an eye on the market and adjusting their plans accordingly.

Hiroki Totoki, a Sony executive, recently talked about the PlayStation business. He said they could save money on making games and make more profit by putting games on platforms other than PlayStation, like PC.

Also, Sony decided to delay releasing big sequels to their main games, like God of War and Spider-Man, until after April 2025. This shows they’re planning carefully to give players top-quality games that go well with their new hardware.

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