Nintendo Switch 2 Release is Rumored to be Very Near

Get ready to level up your gaming experience! The rumored Nintendo Switch 2 could be making its debut very soon!

A new report says that the next Nintendo gaming console, possibly called the Nintendo Switch 2, might be shown to the public in June. A journalist named Pedro Henrique Lutti Lippe, who has been right about Nintendo news before, shared this info.

He also mentioned that there might be a big Nintendo Direct event in April and a smaller one called Indie World Showcase in March. So, it seems like there’s a lot to look forward to for Nintendo fans in the coming months!

“Things are always changing, but I’m feeling optimistic,” he mentioned.

Just so you know, I’ve heard something similar from a source, but I haven’t fully confirmed June as the definite month. So, until we hear official word from either Insider Gaming or Nintendo, it’s best to take this report with a pinch of salt, even if the source has been reliable before.

Insider Gaming has tried to get a comment from Nintendo about the report, but it’s unlikely they’ll respond. Recently, there have been multiple reports, also first mentioned by Lutti Lippe, saying the next Nintendo Switch could launch in the first part of 2025.

Via <> Featured

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