New Details of Cyberpunk 2 appear in Job listing

Craft your destiny in Cyberpunk 2 as CDPR ramps up the action with more events and immersive storytelling!

CD Projekt Red has started hiring for the next Cyberpunk game, tentatively called Cyberpunk 2. They’re looking for new team members to improve and add features to the game. One exciting return is the crafting system from Cyberpunk 2077, where players can make and change weapons and gear.


Fans were surprised by this feature in the first game, and now CDPR has a chance to make it even better. Also, CDPR plans to add more open world events to the sequel. This is big news because the first game didn’t have many of these events. These new events will make the game world feel more alive and give players more things to do and explore.

The job listings reveal an exciting addition: cutscenes along with interactive scenes. It’s not clear yet if the game will be entirely first-person or if it will mix in some third-person views. This storytelling style mixes cinematic storytelling with player interaction, making the game more immersive.

Players might feel a deeper connection with the characters and the story. CDPR also plans to blend dialogue and gameplay seamlessly. This means conversations and actions in the game will happen more naturally, making the player feel more involved. It’ll blur the line between story and gameplay, making the overall experience more immersive.

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