GTA 6 Rumors: DLC May Feature Entire Cities

Rumors about the next Grand Theft Auto game, GTA 6, suggest that players might be able to download whole cities as additional content.


A person known as Tez2, who often shares inside information, is hinting that Rockstar Games might be going back to the way they used to create game content before GTA Online became a big focus. This means they could be working on solo Downloadable Content (DLC) for the game.

The first set of these new cities and missions is reportedly already in progress. And they could include islands and special cities similar to places like Cayo Perico or North Yankton from previous GTA games. This new approach might also connect with fresh heists for GTA Online. Giving players the exciting possibility of exploring entirely new cities from time to time.

GTA 6 Speculations

There’s a buzz that Rockstar Games might focus the upcoming GTA 6 storyline around Vice City. Marking a significant change by introducing a female protagonist for the first time in the series. Rumors suggest that a male counterpart accompanies this new character. And they are said to share a closely intertwined narrative as siblings.

According to industry analyst Michael Pachter, GTA 6 could provide an extensive gaming experience. Estimating a whopping 400-500 hours of gameplay. The game is expected to span across various American and European cities in its world. Including familiar ones like Los Santos, Liberty City, Vice City, and even London.

However, there’s some doubt about the map’s size. Leaks suggest that the primary focus might be on Vice City, albeit potentially smaller than initially anticipated.

The leaked map of the game, which showcases several airports, has sparked speculation about the possibility of travel between different cities within the game. This potentiality could open up a range of mission opportunities across various cities, even if the missions are smaller in scale compared to the main city.

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