Google’s Gemini Official ‘Prompting Guide’ Released

To maximize your use of Google’s Gemini, understanding how to craft prompts effectively is crucial. Google recently released a 45-page handbook called “Prompting Guide 101” to assist with this. The manual aims to aid business users, providing tips applicable to Workspace and everyday users alike.

It covers various professions such as executives, entrepreneurs, human resources, customer service, marketing, project management, and sales. The handbook emphasizes four key criteria to consider when formulating your prompts.

  • Persona: Who are you
  • Task: What do you want the AI to do (summarize, change the tone, etc)
  • Context: Give details
  • Format: Bullet points, character count limits, and so on

The handbook says prompts should be clear and follow-up prompts should be used. The company suggests using prompts with around 21 words for the best results. Users should review results for clarity, relevance, and accuracy.

Google gives additional tips:

  • Break tasks into separate prompts for better performance.
  • Include details like character count limits for specific results.
  • Start with a role assignment for creativity.
  • Ask for feedback during the conversation with Gemini.
  • Tailor prompts for the intended audience and tone.
  • Adjust prompts if results aren’t satisfactory.

You can download the full guide for more details.

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