ChatGPT Real-Time Internet Access Comes with a Twist

ChatGPT is a helpful chatbot that can do many tasks, like writing, coding, researching, and planning vacations. It used to have a big problem, but now that problem is fixed, but only if you pay.

ChatGPT Now Surfs the Web for Subscribers

OpenAI said on Wednesday that Chat GPT can now use the internet and give you links to where it got its information. This is only for people who have ChatGPT Plus or Enterprise.

This means if you pay, ChatGPT can get information from the internet and not just what it knew before 2021. This makes ChatGPT better and more trustworthy.

Chat GPT uses Microsoft’s Bing web browser to get on the internet. OpenAI told people about this partnership in May, but then they took it away because people were using it to get around paywalls.

ChatGPT’s Latest Enhancements


OpenAI listened to feedback from people and made the feature better. To use it, you just pick “Browse with Bing” in the menu.

Chat GPT Plus costs $20 a month. If you need the newest information, it might be worth it.

If you don’t want to pay, OpenAI will let everyone use this feature soon. Until then, Bing Chat is a good option. It’s free and can use the internet, just like Chat GPT.

OpenAI also said recently that ChatGPT can understand pictures and voice commands and can talk back. These new search and response features are only for ChatGPT Plus and Enterprise users, and they will be available in two weeks.

Source <> Featured

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